Birthday Outfit in Black and White

One of my birthday traditions – among a few – is to wear something new to the party or celebration. Whether I was having my party at my parents place or going out to dinner with my friends. I still remember the first time I straightened my hair for my 12th birthday party. I don’t necessarily look for something new, but if I find a piece or ensemble I like, and off it goes. Last year I re-wore this dress, which was bought for my 25th birthday party.

Being your birthday, feels special to wear something new.

Kind of like wearing new underwear on New Year’s. And this year, I decided it was worth celebrating. This suede jacket and shorts from Zara are beautifully tailored. Even though it’s not often that I go for an all-white-outfit during winter, it’s a nice change from fall colors. You might say it’s a risky move to get shorts this time of year in New York. But the weather has been weirdly warm lately.

I feel like everyone should feel special on their birthday. Not only through love and wishes, but even physically. The afore mentioned 12th birthday party, I felt like the most powerful little girl in the world. My hair was straight for the first time, I was wearing tight bell-bottom jeans, a funky tight top and a pair of black boots. My mother also did my make-up, probably for the first time. Everyone was looking at me when I got out of the car and it felt amazing. I don’t recall ever feeling that good ever again. Wishful hoping!

This is the outfit I wore on my birthday dinner (which is also perfect for the holiday season) with friends in the most exciting city in the world. I could not be happier to be surrounded by people I truly enjoy being around. Go shorty, it’s your birthday! Ha! Age is such a beautiful thing and it should be celebrated. As my grandmother used to say, it’s a good sign.

Scroll down for outfit details.







something new

Zara Faux Suede Jacket and Shorts and Trumpet Sleeve Sweater, Mango Buckle Ankle Boots and MAC ‘Hot Tahiti’ Lipstick.
