New York City is a vibrant and exciting city where time goes by incessantly fast. I’ve been living here for almost 3 years and figured it was time to settle some favorite places. Even though I’ve already been doing it on my Instagram, it was time to have a place on the blog where I could give you the low down on the things you absolutely cannot miss, when traveling to NYC. This guide is meant to provide tips and show you places I personally recommend around the city. I will make sure to continuously update as I go along and experience different and new places. You can also send in your tips! But before we start this New York City guide, let me give you a handful of advice when traveling to the city of dreams.
This is a question I get a lot. Of course my immediate answer is to check weather apps. The weather in New York is very unpredictable. One day the sun is shinning and temperatures are great, the other is cold and windy. If you’re not coming in the heat of summer or cold of winter, a light and heavier jackets are a must. If, like me, you explore a city through walking, comfortable and worn in shoes have to be on your list. A small umbrella is also a good option and either a backpack or a carry-all bag. If you’re going to be out all day, you might as well have something to carry all your things.
Something I always carry with me around the city is a hand sanitizer. You wouldn’t imagine how many times I touched something or got my hands dirty. That and tissues are always with me. I always tend to get very dry lips – due to external factors – so another big item to bring is a lip balm. And make sure you carry it with you wherever you go.
If you feel like there’s something I’m not covering here, feel free to e-mail me or comment below. This New York City guide is going to be edited as my experience in the city improves.
Every time I travel somewhere, I research a bit about the city. Whether it’s studying the map – which if I’m traveling with M, ends up being his job. Looking up events that may be going on while I’m visiting. Time Out is usually a good spot. Talk to people you might know live in the place. When I went to San Francisco I reached out to another blogger to ask for tips. And also, looking up blogs that might already have city guides. It’s always a great resource of small places, hidden gems, what to do and not to do.
Walk around as much as possible to experience NYC as it should be experienced. People tend to be extremely friendly and help you out in case you’re lost and need some direction. Make sure not to walk on your phone if it’s rush hour or if you’re in a crowded place – New Yorkers hate that. If you’re traveling in a group, don’t all stand next to each other – this is a myth.
When going to a restaurant, make sure you make a reservation or set your mind that you might be waiting for a bit before you sit down. We always end up going for cocktails before dinner. If you do decide to rent a car, on Sundays and holidays, the street parking in Manhattan is usually free.
Tipping is mandatory. Right now, a few restaurants are changing the policy and including it in the final price. But most places require you to tip 15 to 20%. Our solution? Double the tax. In New York you always have added taxes to your bill. Whether at a restaurant, a store, or any service. When the service requires tip (which is all of them), double the tax.
If you feel like there’s something I’m not covering here, feel free to e-mail me or comment below. This New York City guide is going to be edited as my experience in the city improves.